I am happy to introduce you to Tai Chi Chuan For Everyone, a complete course in the Sun Style now available at TaiChiClass.org. I honestly believe this is the best way to learn Tai Chi.
With one new lesson each week, this course is taught in the same way I teach my in person class. The difference is that you can learn from this course when you want on any screen you want. When I teach in person I set a time and you must show up at that time on that day every week. Miss more than one class every couple of months and pretty soon you’re feeling pretty frustrated. With this video on demand approach, available at TaiChiClass.org, you can choose a schedule that works best for you, whether that means 8 am, 6 pm or midnight. Video on Demand doesn’t care. It’s always there for you.
Learning Tai Chi takes a lot of discipline, so I recommend choosing a schedule and sticking to it. But at TaiChiClass.org that means choosing the time that you know works best for you – and if you have to change that either on any given week or more permanently, TaiChiClass.org doesn’t care. Once you subscribe, the lessons are available to you whenever and wherever you choose.
Each one hour class starts with a Relaxed Standing Posture where you rest into your still being and practice deep relaxed breathing. We then move into a series of warm up exercises, moving from head to toe in a gentle and relaxed fashion. During the exercises I talk about the principles and philosophy of the Tao and of Tai Chi Chuan. I then use demonstration and explanation to teach just two to three moves over the course of about 30 minutes. By emphasizing the details of the moves I help you integrate more than the physical action. I help you feel the moves and how they help you experience the unity of your body, mind and spirit.
Choose the best way to learn Tai Chi now at TaiChiClass.org and start living healthier longer.