Four Percent For You

Four Percent For You

Take four percent for you. In every 24 hour day we need to make sure we take time for ourselves. Taking four percent for you isn’t much, is barely enough, but it’s a good start. Four percent is only 1 hour. The complete nine sections of Tai Chi Chuan of the Sun Style,...
Goathead Stepping Tai Chi

Goathead Stepping Tai Chi

Goathead stepping Tai Chi only happens literally in a few places I practice, but it happens figuratively almost every day. Weather permitting I like to practice my Tai Chi barefoot. I feel closer to the earth when my skin touches it. I can ground more completely when...
All Tai Chi is For Seniors

All Tai Chi is For Seniors

All Tai Chi is for seniors because all Tai Chi works through relaxed coordination and harmony rather than through rigid postures. The Sun style is particularly suited to our aging bodies because its natural expression requires only a gentle knee flex. It relies on...


In practicing Tai Chi coordinate your upper with your lower body, your inner with your outer being. By coordinating you enhance your body awareness. Body awareness helps you understand the physical reality of your being. It helps you notice where you hurt, where you...
I’m Practicing Tai Chi In a World Gone Mad

I’m Practicing Tai Chi In a World Gone Mad

Guest Author I’m  practicing Tai Chi as an antidote to the swirl of the world. I’m writing this after subjecting myself to an onslaught of bad news delivered on my news feed, in my inbox and on social media. Now I’m wondering how you’re reacting to this...


In practicing Tai Chi seek your center through circles. We start practice with circular exercises to begin feeling and visualizing both our own physical circles and the circles that make up so many systems in our universe. Circles characterize systems from small to...